Friday, January 21, 2011

Sparrow & co..

Have you heard of Sparrow & co yet?  a brand new homes ware  collection brought to you by Samuel Sparrow.  Though not quite ready for full steam ahead  in terms of an online shop, you can catch a glimpse of what lies  ahead in the Sparrow & co Etsy store, which if its anything to go by, is going to be a big hit!  There  you will find items  inspired by traditional crafting skills with an emphasis on unique, handmade products from around the world, including such places as Morocco, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central America, as well as England   Wales and Scotland.

These items are all fitting in with the decorating ideas and possibilities currently going round and round in my head, and I'm particularly liking the the colour, look and feel (imagining the feel) of the sheepskin rug, yes its blending in very nicely with whats going on in my head.....

As the online store is not ready just yet, keep up to date by following the Sparrow & co blog here but while you wait, check out the Etsy store for a little tease.

PS, its late and I really should be going to bed, so if this post reads a litle funny thats why, I keep reading it through but now the writting is just jumping about......must get sleep...

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