Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Simple steps for an organised office. Livingetc.

I started this year off making a real effort to stay more organised, so far to date I have gone through my huge pile of Homes magazines and have parted company with rather a heavy stack of them (they have gone to a new home, I gave them to my sister-in-law) knocking it down to just 3 or 4 box files,  sorted and filed away various statements, now all nicely in order and not in random piles around the house, de-cluttered by bed room of various redundant craft things, and next on the agenda is my desk, which if you could see it now, is what I call organised chaos!  I have books waiting to be reviewed, photography homework waiting to get finished, and a 1/4 packet of chocolate  digestives staring at me whispering 'finish me off you know you want too' (evil, delicious  little things), along with other bits and pieces. So when I spotted this video link from Livingetc magazine (a favourite of mine) tweeted on twitter, I  thought it would be worth having a look.  (If you are reading this in Google Reader you will need to click through to the post to see the video.)

All images Livingetc


See the video here , So did you pick up any tips?


I have been day dream decorating again, you know for when/if we move,  and today I have been thinking about stairs. As anybody who moves house knows, it can be expensive to carpet a new home straight off, so I have been checking out painted stairs and other ways of dressing the ascent to the upper floor.

Images google
I love the idea of painting numbers on them, and a yellow painted stair case, would certainly be a cheerful descent down in the mornings. 
 Do you have any other ideas or  interesting ways of dressing your stairs at home, or would painting your stairs be something you would consider.?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

NEW, Style at Home magazine.

If you are anything like me while out doing the weekly food shop, then you will always find that at least one  Homes magazine makes it into the trolley before heading to the check out, and if like me you always feel a tad guilty at the £3 + price tag then this brand new magazine, Style at Home, will help ease the the guilt a little.  Granted its not as chic and as glossy as some of its more expensive rivals, but its packed with stylish and affordable ideas for the home.

You'll find that the magazine has colour coded section to help you find what you're looking for, Love It, for Inspiring homes and decorating, Buy It for stylish finds at high street prices, Do it for weekend projects and DIY tips, and Make it for step by step craft ideas.

In the February edition you will find readers homes to get inspiration from, & tips on decorating with this seasons on trend colour, camel,(page 24) (with red it looks lovely) thinking of getting a new sofa? how about a velvet one, (36) perfect your paint skills and try out reviving an old piece of furniture,(38) get your potatoes at the ready (40) for...yes folks some potato printing! Check out some pretty pastels, (60) and get the feel good factor in the bed room, (86) yes give your bedroom some love and attention.  And you get all this for a budget busting £1.99!
Its well worth a nose through.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sparrow & co..

Have you heard of Sparrow & co yet?  a brand new homes ware  collection brought to you by Samuel Sparrow.  Though not quite ready for full steam ahead  in terms of an online shop, you can catch a glimpse of what lies  ahead in the Sparrow & co Etsy store, which if its anything to go by, is going to be a big hit!  There  you will find items  inspired by traditional crafting skills with an emphasis on unique, handmade products from around the world, including such places as Morocco, Uzbekistan, Asia, Central America, as well as England   Wales and Scotland.

These items are all fitting in with the decorating ideas and possibilities currently going round and round in my head, and I'm particularly liking the the colour, look and feel (imagining the feel) of the sheepskin rug, yes its blending in very nicely with whats going on in my head.....

As the online store is not ready just yet, keep up to date by following the Sparrow & co blog here but while you wait, check out the Etsy store for a little tease.

PS, its late and I really should be going to bed, so if this post reads a litle funny thats why, I keep reading it through but now the writting is just jumping about......must get sleep...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekend photos.

Hello, did you have a great weekend?  I spent a little time on saturday making the most of some quite time first thing in the morning with a little sunshine  coming in through the kitchen window, so I snapped a couple of teacup pictures for The Shutter divas Flickr group. 
My good friend sue also bought some lovely Chocolates for me, which i just had to take a photo of as they where just so pretty, though I had to be quick because chocolates don't last long in our house!

Friday, January 14, 2011

In need of a colour pick-me-up? Yes please..

So far January 2011 has been pretty grey and wet, and with the episode with my stolen bag this week I need a pick me up, and while it won't solve every thing, a peek at the new and as always colourful collection form Rice is a sure way to add a bit of cheer to the start of the weekend.

All images Rice

Don't you just love how colourful everything is, so fresh and spring like, yes, I'm looking forward to some brighter days, and if you happen to be in London this weekend, Rice will be at the Top Draw London (Trade Only, though bloggers may be welcome) show from the 16th -18th of January for the spring/summer 2011 showcase.  Stand N12.  Pick me up something bright and cheerful for me won't you!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Free downloads, Feed your soul: the free art project.

Downloads here

Currently loving Black & White.

There is  a slight possibility that in 2011 we may move house as we currently only have 2 bedrooms, but we could do with a third one for our eldest daughter, the box, room as we call it, is getting a bit cramped  for two fully grown girls.  So with this in mind my head is currently  filled with new decorating ideas and possibilities, I'm currently loving  black and white so here are just a few looks that have caught my eye, though have totally lost track of where I have got them from, but No. 2, 6 and 9 are from the blog Helt Enlkelt where you will find more black and white inspiration, just love it!  If you recognise any of the other pics do let me know so that I can credit them.

On a totally different subject, I had my hand bag stolen today, which as you can imagine has been really rather annoying,  I feel slightly lost and undressed without it, I practically have my  entire  life in that  bag, not to mention my favourite lip gloss, still on the bright side it does mean I will just have to go shopping for a new bag, wallet, and lip gloss..... when I get my bank details and other bits of plastic sorted out.  but on a serious note, ladies take care you never know who's about!! Have a safe day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome to 2011

Welcome to 2011 everybody, (and a big hello to some new followers that I note have joined us over the holidays)  A little late I know but  like so many other people/friends/bloggers, I have had the flu/really bad cold, and am just getting back on my feet these  last couple of days.  To be quite honest the sofa and I have become very well acquainted over the holiday period and I am in danger of turning into  a couch potato, but as the dust begins to settle and life gets back to normal, its time to find some get up and go, and get going!
So folks, what are your plans for 2011?   I have my photography course to finish and come May will be getting ready to sit the final exam, something myself  and fellow students are feeling a little nervous of! mention the word exam and its enough to drain the colour out of my somewhat already pale cheeks, but when I pass (being very hopeful here) I'll be glad to have it under my belt.   So onwards and upwards into a new year.

2011 Pdf Calendars from Etsy Sellers

1. corduroystarfish  (I just bought this one)
2. ohhenryprints
3&4 valentinadesign