I started this year off making a real effort to stay more organised, so far to date I have gone through my huge pile of Homes magazines and have parted company with rather a heavy stack of them (they have gone to a new home, I gave them to my sister-in-law) knocking it down to just 3 or 4 box files, sorted and filed away various statements, now all nicely in order and not in random piles around the house, de-cluttered by bed room of various redundant craft things, and next on the agenda is my desk, which if you could see it now, is what I call organised chaos! I have books waiting to be reviewed, photography homework waiting to get finished, and a 1/4 packet of chocolate digestives staring at me whispering 'finish me off you know you want too' (evil, delicious little things), along with other bits and pieces. So when I spotted this video link from Livingetc magazine (a favourite of mine) tweeted on twitter, I thought it would be worth having a look. (If you are reading this in Google Reader you will need to click through to the post to see the video.)
All images Livingetc
See the video here , So did you pick up any tips?